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All blog posts of the ETH Zukunftsblog

How can we tax electric cars without slowing down the electromobility transition?


Portrait picture of Alessio Levis

The federal government has plans to tax electric vehicles to secure funding for road infrastructure. However, a new levy could delay the switch to electromobility. Alessio Levis explains how this dilemma could be resolved.

by Alessio Levis

Thinking climate action, biodiversity and energy supply together


Portrait picture of Cyril Brunner

Renewable energies are not the main driver of biodiversity loss. It is rather the other way round: renewables can limit climate change in order to preserve biodiversity. Cyril Brunner contextualises the trade-offs from a scientific perspective.

by Dr. Cyril Brunner

Digi, Nano, Bio, Neuro – or why we should care more about converging technologies


Portrait picture of Dirk Helbing

Dirk Helbing expects future digital technologies to penetrate the human body even more in the future. However, he believes that society is not prepared for the risks involved. He puts forward a new legal framework to protect our most intimate data from misuse.

by Prof. Dirk Helbing

Artificial augmented creativity: A new era of art


Artificial intelligence is transforming the way in which art is created and experienced. Are we at the beginning of a new artistic revolution? Or at the end of creativity as we know it? Adrian Christopher Notz puts things in perspective.

by Adrian Christopher Notz Number of comments 2

Let Bachelor’s degree holders work first!

  • Social issues
  • SCE

Have you done any further professional training in the last five years? If not, then one reason is probably the education system and its rigid qualifications, says Lukas Sigrist.

by Dr. Lukas Sigrist

Pesticide-free as a new pathway for agriculture


Portraitphoto of Robert Finger

We can transition to pesticide-free agriculture without converting to organic farming. Robert Finger outlines the advantages and challenges involved.

by Prof. Robert Finger

Recycling plastic is not a quick fix


Portrait picture of Helene Wiesinger

Recycling is an accepted formula for sustainable resource use, but in the case of plastic it can have serious side effects, says Helene Wiesinger – and uses the example of plastic flooring in Switzerland to illustrate the dilemma.

by Helene Wiesinger

For equitable access to urban green spaces


Portraitphoto of Fritz Kleinschroth

Vacant land, community gardens and public parks are key resources for liveable cities. Fritz Kleinschroth calls on urban planners to focus on giving nature more space and on granting equitable access to green spaces.

by Dr. Fritz Kleinschroth

Switzerland needs to do a better job of exploiting its innovation potential

Social issues

Portrait picture of Thomas Zurbuchen

Switzerland offers tremendous opportunities for technological and entrepreneurial innovation. Thomas Zurbuchen asks, “How can we generate the momentum needed to maintain an edge in the face of international competition – especially when times get tough?”

by Prof. Thomas Zurbuchen Number of comments 1

Maintaining the “Swiss way” of promoting innovation

Social issues

Hans Gersbach and Martin W?rter explain why Switzerland should not join the emerging international subsidy race. Sticking with the proven “Swiss way” is much more promising.

by Prof. Hans Gersbach und Prof. Martin W?rter Number of comments 1
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